755 N. Milwaukee St., Milwaukee, WI 53202 info@cathedralsquarefriends.org

Color the Square

Cathedral Square Friends continues to beautify the square through hanging flower baskets, flower beds, trees and an enhanced perimeter sidewalk. Your contribution will help maintain these beautiful improvements to the square.

37.66% Raised
$6,025 donated of $16,000 goal
16 Donors
126 Days Left

Building on Our Success

In 2022, Our “Frame the Square” project, brought wider sidewalks with large pavers and proper tree wells, new benches, new trees, new flower beds and much more to the perimeter of Cathedral Square.

In 2018, the Friends brought hanging flower baskets back to Cathedral Square for the first time in a decade. The baskets have returned ever year since bringing a splash of color to the square to be enjoyed by all. Through this campaign we hope to fill numerous light poles with hanging flower baskets to make the square look the best it has in years.

In addition to the hanging flower baskets, flower beds have been added to two corners of the square as part of the “Frame the Square” project. The maintenance and watering of these flower beds will be paid for through the “Color the Square” annual campaign.

Campaign funds will also help with maintenance of the new improvements that “Frame the Square brought to the square.

Why Donate? Because Great Public Spaces are Important

As a non-profit “Friends” group, our main objective is to help improve the overall quality of Cathedral Square, which is a significant location for several reasons.

It was donated by Solomon Juneau in 1837 and is Milwaukee’s oldest park. It’s surrounded by and used by numerous local residents and businesses. It’s a place where our community comes together. Regardless of your personal connection, you want to have pride in your local area and enjoy relaxing in a more beautiful public space.

Great public spaces feel cared for, with attention and detail. For example, Milwaukee’s Riverwalk along Pere Marquette Park looks cared for due to the help of planted flower baskets along the water’s edge. Also, around the perimeters of private properties such as the Pfister hotel, you’ll find attractive flower baskets and other elements which help to make it a special place. Both are great local examples that help to define their identity and create a sense of arrival.

Sponsorship Levels

  • Premier Sponsor ($1,900). Water and maintenance of two hanging baskets for two years. Donations at this level will receive recognition on Cathedral Square signation and on the website.
  • Queen Sponsor ($1,000). In memory of Cecilia “Queen” Gilbert. Fund two hanging baskets for one year. Donations at this level will receive recognition on Cathedral Square signation and on the website.
  • Supporting Sponsor ($500). Water and maintenance of two baskets for a year. Donations at this level will receive recognition on the website.
  • Contributing Sponsor ($250). Water and maintenance of one basket for a year. Donations at this level will receive recognition on the website.
  • Sustaining Sponsor ($100). Donations at this level will receive recognition on the website.

Donations of any amount are welcome and appreciated.

We Want to Thank Our Past Premier Sponsors

  • Argosy Foundation
  • Associated Bank
  • Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist
  • Chris Abele
  • Donald and Barbara Layden
  • East Town Association
  • Frank Burgess & Kim Morris
  • Jeff & Amy Niesen
  • Milwaukee Downtown, BID #21
  • Pentagon Property Management
  • SportClub
  • Songbird
  • 7SEVENTY7 Apartments
  • Taylor’s
  • This Is It!

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